TinglyTube Notices

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Introducing the Future of Messaging on TinglyTube 💬

TinglyTube can sometimes be hard to define as to what exactly we are, we’re a combination of a video-sharing website, social networking platform, and at the basic, an online community for those who love ASMR, so we just like to use the word ‘platform’.

As a platform that does all of those things, unrestricted communication between users is very important, which is why provide the ability to comment on others walls, send them friend requests, and send them private messages, with private messages being the most direct form of user-to-user communication, however, our messaging system was simple and a lacking a lot of things that other platforms (like Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter) offer, and resulted in most conversations being really drawn-out as you’d have to wait for the other person to refresh their messages, read yours, and reply to it, then you’d have to wait and do the same, it wasn’t instant or realtime like messaging systems on other platforms.

Because of all of those reasons, we knew we had to implement something better and real-time or near-realtime, and have the features that the other platforms do in their messaging systems, so that’s what we worked on alongside the many other features we’re also working on for the past few months and are happy to announce that launch of TinglyTube Messenger – The future of messaging on TinglyTube!

TinglyTube Messenger allows you to send and receive messages in near-real-time (using long polling for any technical TTers out there), attach GIFs from Giphy, attach images and files up to 8MB, and easily insert as many emojis as you’d like using the built-in picker!

But TinglyTube Messenger doesn’t just stop at direct communication between users, you can also chat with other TinglyTubers in the four community chatrooms (Main Chat, Creators Chat, Ideas and Feedback Chat, and the ASMR Suggestions Chat), and when you’re on PC, you’ll also receive certain notifications right from the chat bar! (We’re currently working on implementing notifications on Mobile).

This announcement may have some worried about the fate of the old messaging system, but don’t be! We have no plans to retire or remove the old messaging system or any of your messages/conversations there. We believe that the old system does have its pros, such as being better for longer and more wordy messages (if you’re that type of person like our CEO) or if you just personally like it and prefer it over the new Messenger/Chat.

You can get started chatting with your friends and others on TinglyTube by signing in, if you're on PC, you should see a purple bar with icons at the bottom of your screen, and if you're on mobile, you should see a floating purple bubble with a chat bubble icon on it at the bottom of your screen. If you're already signed in and you don't see the bar or the bubble, then you'll need to sign out and log back in so things can 'reset'.

On PC, click the "Chat" tab to see if any of your friends are online, if they are, just click on them to start chatting with them. On Mobile, tap the purple bubble to launch Messenger and do the same.

You can chat with others who aren't your friend by going to their profile and clicking on the "Chat" button next to the "Send Message" button (on mobile, tap the button with the three dots and then tap on "Chat" in the dropdown menu).

If you need some more help navigating and using Messenger, we've posted two help articles, one for PC, and one for mobile.

Happy Chatting!
- The TinglyTube Team 🌙

478   2 years ago
How to Use TinglyTube Messenger on Mobile 📱

Confused or lost on how to use the new TinglyTube Messenger? Don’t worry! We’ll teach you how to use it and all of its features on mobile, so let's get started!

How to Find and Navigate Messenger

You can find Messenger as a floating purple bubble with a chat icon on it at the bottom of your screen, tapping on it launches the mobile Messenger interface.

Once opened, you’ll automatically be on the “Chats” tab, which shows your most recent chat conversations if you have any, tap on a chat to open it.

At the top of the interface, you’ll see a hamburger menu (the icon with three lines) on the top left, and a paper-plan icon on the top right, tap the hamburger menu to access various chat related settings:

  • Hide Mobile Chat Tab – Slide or tap this to hide the mobile chat bubble at the bottom of your screen (Note: To show the mobile chat bubble again, you must delete the “ac_hide_mobile” cookie in your browser, we plan to make this easier soon).
  • Chat Sounds – Slide or tap this to disable/enable chat sounds (the “Doink” sound you hear when you receive a message).
  • Disable Avatars – Slide or tap this to disable/enable the showing of profile pictures in chat and only show usernames.
  • Unblock Users – Select a blocked user from the list and tap “Done” at the top of the Settings box to unblock them.
Tap the paper-plane icon to search for a user to chat with and tap on them to open a chat with them (Note: You can only search for a user that you’ve previously chatted with).

After the “Chats” tab, there is an “Online” and “Chatrooms” tab, tap the “Online” tab to open your Buddylist, it shows which of your friends are online and available to chat, just click on their name to start chatting with them.

Tapping the “Chatrooms” tab will show all of the available chatrooms you can join, which are group chats where any online TinglyTube user can participate, if you’ve joined any chatrooms, you’ll see them first at the top under the blue “JOINED CHAT ROOMS” header, you're automatically joined to the "Main Chat" chatroom so it will display here.

How to Chat with Others Privately

You already know how to start chatting with your friends by tapping on them in your Buddylist, but what if you want to chat with someone who’s not your friend? It’s as easy as with the old messaging system.

Just go to their profile, tap the button with the three dots, select “Chat” from the dropdown list, and a chat will pop up and you can start chatting with them 😊.

When chatting with others, you can tap the vertical three-dots in the top right of the chat header to access the following options:
  • Visit Profile – Tapping this will take you to the user’s profile on TinglyTube.
  • Clear Conversation – Tapping this will clear the chat’s history on your end but doesn’t actually delete anything (this is so that chats and messages can still be reported if they violate our terms).
  • Report Spam/Abuse –Tapping this will report the user you’re chatting with and their messages to our Trust and Safety team for review, users that send messages that violate our Terms and Conditions and/or Community Standards will either receive a warning or account suspension based on the severity of their violation.
  • Block User – Tapping this will block the user that you’re chatting with and prevent them from chatting with you again. You can unblock them at any time by going to the Settings menu (as described before).
How to Chat with Others in Chatrooms

In Chatrooms, you can chat and send messages the same way you can in private, one-on-one chats, the only difference is that any TinglyTube user can participate in them.

In order to keep all chatrooms clean and orderly, messages are limited to 150 characters (letters and numbers), you can only send 3 messages within a 10-second time span, and chat history only lasts for 1 week (7 days).

When chatting in chatrooms, you can tap the gear icon to access various chatroom related settings:

  • Block Private Chat – Tap or slide this to prevent others in the chatroom from being able to chat with you privately by tapping on your name in the userlist (Note: This doesn’t stop them from starting a private chat with you via your profile or their buddylist).
  • Chat Room Sounds – Tap or slide this to disable/enable chatroom sounds (the “Doink” sound you hear when a new message is received in the chatroom).
  • Leave Chat Room – Tap this button to leave that particular chatroom, this won’t delete any of your messages and you can join back at any time via the “Chat Rooms” tab and tapping on the Chatroom you want to rejoin.
You can tap the list icon next to the gear icon to display a list of all of the users in that chatroom, tap on a user in the list to Private Message (This will be greyed out if they have Private Chats blocked), Block, or Report them.

How to Attach Images/Files, GIFs, and Emojis to Your Messages

You can add some pizazz and spiff to your messages by attaching Images/Files (up to 8MB), GIFs, and Emojis by following the steps below for each type:

To Attach Images/Files -
  1. Tap on the camera icon under the message input, depending on your device, you may be prompted to either choose a file from your device or take a photo or video.
  2. Select the image/file you’d like to attach and it’ll automatically upload and send itself.

(Note: The above demonstration was emulated using a PC with the file selection part cut out, on a real mobile device you'd have to choose an image/file from your device).

To Attach GIFs -
  1. Tap the picture icon under the message input, this will open up a box where you can search for a GIF on Giphy.
  2. Once you’ve found the perfect GIF to send, tap on it, and it’ll automatically send itself.

To Add Emojis -
  1. Tap on the smiley face icon in the right of the message input, this will open up a box you can scroll and select different tabs to find the emoji(s) you’d like to send.
  2. Tap on the emoji(s) you’d like to add to your message and they’ll automatically be added to the end of your message.

Congratulations! You've successfully learned how to use TinglyTube Messenger! 🎉 So what are you waiting for? Start chatting with others today!

453   2 years ago
How to Use TinglyTube Messenger on PC 💻

Confused or lost on how to use the new TinglyTube Messenger? Don’t worry! We’ll teach you how to use it and all of its features on PC, so let's get started!

How to Find and Navigate Messenger

You can find Messenger docked as a purple bar at the bottom of your screen, this bar has a few icons, let’s go over them, what they do, and how to use them:

The "Chat" tab isn't really an icon, but it's still a part of the bar, clicking this will display your "Buddylist", it shows which of your friends are online and available to chat, just click on their name to start chatting with them, if you want to open/view an older chat, just search for their username using the search input at the bottom.
  1. This icon opens a list of the chatrooms (these are group chats where any online TinglyTube user can participate) you can join and how many are online in them, when you first click on it, you’ll automatically join the “Main Chat” chatroom, you can join other chatrooms by clicking the + icon at the top of the chat tab (where it says the name of chatroom) (Note: You can currently only join three chatrooms at once, this is because they can be quite resource-intensive on our infrastructure).
  2. This icon opens a list of your unread notifications (it has a similar function to the Notification Bell on YouTube). To show all of your notifications, including ones you’ve already read, click the Search icon at the top (Note: Notifications are currently not available on mobile).
  3. This icon allows you to hide the Messenger bar, click on it to hide the bar, and click on it again to show the bar (as shown below).

On the top right of the “Chat” tab/Buddylist, you’ll see a gear icon, click this to access various chat related settings:
  • Chat Sounds – Click this to disable/enable chat sounds (the “Doink” sound you hear when you receive a message).
  • Keep List Open – Click this keep the Buddylist open until you click it again to disable it.
  • Show Names Only – Click this to disable/enable the showing of profile pictures in chat and only show usernames.
  • Manage Block List… – Select a blocked user from the list and click the “Unblock” button to unblock them.
  • Available to Chat – Click this to appear offline in other users Buddylists, this won’t however affect the online status on your actual profile. To appear online again, all you have to do is click the "Chat" tab.
How to Chat with Others Privately

You already know how to start chatting with your friends by clicking on them in your Buddylist, but what if you want to chat with someone who’s not your friend? It’s as easy as with the old messaging system.

Just go to their profile and click the Chat icon, a chat will pop up and you can start chatting with them 😊.

When chatting with others, you can click the Gear icon in the top right of the chat tab to access the following options:
  • Pop Out Chat – Clicking this will open the chat in a separate browser window.
  • Clear Conversation – Clicking this will clear the chat’s history on your end but doesn’t actually delete anything (this is so that chats and messages can still be reported if they violate our terms).
  • Block User – Clicking this will block the user that you’d chatting with and prevent them from chatting with you again. You can unblock them at any time by accessing your Block List in your Buddylist (as described before).
  • Report Spam/Abuse – Clicking this will report the user you’re chatting with and their messages to our Trust and Safety team for review, users that send messages that violate our Terms and Conditions and/or Community Standards will either receive a warning or account suspension based on the severity of their violation.
How to Chat with Others in Chatrooms

In Chatrooms, you can chat and send messages the same way you can in private, one-on-one chats, the only difference is that any TinglyTube user can participate in them, this is a great way to meet new people who also share the same interest in ASMR.

In order to keep all chatrooms clean and orderly, messages are limited to 255 characters (letters and numbers), you can only send 3 messages within a 10-second time span, and chat history only lasts for 1 week (7 days).

When chatting in chatrooms, you can click the pop out icon in the top right of the chat tab to open that particular chatroom in a separate window, just like you can in private chats.

You can also click the gear icon to access various chatroom related settings:
  • Keep Room Open – Click this to keep that particular chatroom open until you click it again to disable it.
  • Chat Room Sounds – Click this to disable/enable chatroom sounds (the “Doink” sound you hear when a new message is received in the chatroom).
  • Always Show Names – By default to help keep things organized, all messages will show the name of the user who sent them, click this to only show their profile picture.
  • Block Private Chats – Click this to prevent others in the chatroom from being able to chat with you privately by clicking on your name in the userlist (Note: This doesn’t stop them from starting a private chat with you via your profile or their buddylist).
A list of all of the users in that particular chatroom is displayed on the right side, you can click on a user in the list to Private Message (This will be greyed out if they have Private Chats blocked), Block, or Report them.

If you want to reply to someone in a Chatroom, you can make it easy for others and the user you're replying to know that you're talking to them by 'mentioning' them in your message, just type the "@" symbol along with their username after it as shown in the example below:

The user you mention will also have their username highlighted (on their end) so they'll easily spot it.

How to Disable Bell Notifications
You can Disable/Enable Bell Notifications by going to your User Preferences and unchecking/checking "Enable Bell Notifications (PC only)" under "Account Preferences". Bell notifications are enabled by default, so need to do this unless you want to disable them.

How to Attach Images/Files, GIFs, and Emojis to Your Messages

You can add some pizazz and spiff to your messages by attaching Images/Files (up to 8MB), GIFs, and Emojis by following the steps below for each type:

To Attach Images/Files -
  1. Click on the camera icon in the right of the message input, this should open up your PC's file manager.
  2. Double-click on the image/file you want to attach and it will automatically upload and send itself.

To Attach GIFs -
  1. Click the picture icon in the right of the message input, this will open up a box where you can search for a GIF on Giphy.
  2. Once you’ve found the perfect GIF to send, click on it, and it’ll automatically send itself.

To Add Emojis -
  1. Click on the smiley face icon in the right of the message input, this will open up a box you can scroll and click on different tabs to find the emoji(s) you’d like to send.
  2. Click on the emoji(s) you’d like to add to your message and they’ll automatically be added to the end of your message.

Congratulations! You've successfully learned how to use TinglyTube Messenger! 🎉 So what are you waiting for? Start chatting with others today!

502   2 years ago